If you are self-employed, an independent contractor, or gig worker and are unable to work or have had your hours reduced due to COVID-19, you are eligible for Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits under a few different scenarios:
- You chose to contribute to UI Elective Coverage and paid the required contributions to be considered potentially eligible for benefits.
- Your past employer made contributions on your behalf over the past 5 to 18 months.
- You may have been misclassified as an independent contractor instead of an employee.
When filing for your UI claim, you will be asked for your last employer.
If you own your business or are self-employed, you should list yourself as your last employer.
If you are an independent contractor, you should list yourself as your last employer.
If you believe you are misclassified as an independent contractor instead of an employee, you should list the business you contract with as your last employer. Be sure to include:
The employer name, phone number, and address.
Type of work performed.
Dates worked.
Your gross wages and how you were paid (such as hourly or weekly).
If you are a gig worker, you should list your gig employer as your last employer.
What You Need to File a Claim:
- Name, address, and phone number
- Social Security number
- California driver license or identification (ID) card
- Citizenship status (which may include your alien registration number)
- Last employer information at the time you are filing the claim (regardless of the length of time you worked for the employer), including name, address (mailing and physical location) and phone number (including area code)
- Last date worked and the reason you are no longer working for the last employer
- Gross earnings in the last week you worked, beginning with Sunday and ending with your last day of work.
- Information on all employers you worked for during the past 18 months, including name, address (mailing and physical location), period of employment, gross wages earned, hours worked per week, hourly rate of pay, and reason no longer working.
- Pension Information (if applicable): Do not include Social Security, Railroad Retirement, or a pension based on another person’s (such as your spouse’s) employment.
How is your Unemployment Insurance Award Calculated?
To have a valid claim and be potentially eligible to receive Unemployment Insurance benefits, you must meet the monetary requirement of working and earning a minimum amount of wages within the past 18 months. See How Unemployment Benefits Are Computed for more information.
Register for unemployment insurance here: https://www.edd.ca.gov/unemployment
Lyft: TAX ID EIN 20-8809830
Address: 185 Berry St Suite 5000, SF CA 94017 Supervisor: Logan Green.
Uber: TAX ID EIN 45-2647441
Address: 1455 Market St, Suite 400, SF CA 94103 Supervisor: Dara Khosrowshahi.
If you do not have health insurance, please apply for either MediCal (for individuals netting up to $17,237/year) or for a health insurance plan through Covered California (individuals making up to $49,960/year will get a subsidy). The time to apply for a health insurance plan through Covered California has been extended until June 2020. If you have either MediCal or a Covered California plan, screening and testing for the Corona Virus will be free. Check here https://www.coveredca.com